Getting Started with Featherless AI

Featherless AI is a platform that simplifies the process of running large language models (LLMs) from Hugging Face. It offers a seamless and cost-effective way to access a growing library of Hugging Face models, including LLaMA-3 and QWEN-2.

What is Featherless?

Featherless is an AI model provider that gives you access to a continually expanding library of Hugging Face models. It aims to make the use of these powerful language models more accessible, with less hassle and effort.

Pricing Plans

Featherless offers two consumer plans:

  • Basic Plan: $10 per month
  • Pro Plan: $25 per month

And one scalable enterprise plan:

  • Scale: $75 per scale unit

All plans provide unlimited usage, with the only limitation being the number of concurrent requests allowed.

Privacy and Logging

Featherless is a privacy-focused service, and they do not log any of your chats, prompts, or completions. You can find more details about their privacy policy on their website.

Supported Model Architectures

Featherless supports a wide range of Hugging Face models, and you can find the list at this link. Some of the popular models include:

  • LLaMA-3
  • QWEN-2
  • Mistral 7B
  • Mistral Nemo 12B

Model Inference Capabilities

Featherless uses FP8 quantization to run its models, which maintains output quality while significantly improving inference speeds. The platform can dynamically swap out models on the fly in less than a second for a 10B model, allowing it to rapidly reconfigure its infrastructure according to user workload and autoscale accordingly.

Why Choose Featherless?

Compared to other options like Hugging Face and RunPod, Featherless offers several advantages:

  • Cost: Featherless' pricing plans are more affordable, especially if you plan on using the models for more than 5 hours consistently.
  • Speed: Featherless' custom inference stack allows for rapid model swapping and reconfiguration, ensuring fast response times.
  • Customization: Featherless aims to support a wide range of Hugging Face models, giving you more flexibility in your choice of models.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, you can join the Featherless AI Discord.

Welcome to the world of Featherless AI, where you can access powerful language models with ease and efficiency!